Letters to New York vol. 1

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Letters to New York vol. 1


From 2007-2015 Calcagno Cullen wrote letters to strangers in New York City.  This is the first 500.  These letters are unconventional, scattered thoughts, including drawings and notes/comments on life.  They tell the story of her life for the past several years, and address both the mundane details and fantastical dreams of a typical human life.  Additionally, this project is a comment on the state of communication in today’s world.  It speaks to the persistent compulsion to share with others, and how sometimes all you get back is the echo of your own voice.  With each letter sent, a self-addressed stamped envelope is included to facilitate a response in some way from the recipients.  The responses that have been received are included in this collection as well.  8.5x11 perfect bound book.

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